Are you a busy woman balancing it all?

You’re In the Right Place.

I empower career-driven women and mothers to find the health, vitality, and care they know is possible — now and in the long run.

These Personalized Functional Health Programs weave together holistic and functional medicine, game-changing mental health and resiliency tools, and the best insights of modern medicine to help you feel truly well. No bandaids here!

THE BEST PART? Having a knowledgeable and caring health consultant in your corner every step of the way.

* Consultations offered worldwide *


  • Balance Your Hormones

  • Recover From Stress+ Burnout

  • Rebuild Health After Baby

  • Optimize Your Fertility

  • Get Holistic Pregnancy Support

  • Heal Gut, Immune System, Thyroid


And so much more!

Discover what’s needed to be vital and thriving in your 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond.


Hello! I’m Amber Valenti Armstrong, PA-C.

Functional medicine practitioner, physician associate, yoga teacher & educator.

With 15 years in medicine and 1000’s of hours supporting women in overcoming health challenges, I love weaving together holistic and functional medicine, powerful resiliency tools, and my background in modern medicine to get you feeling your best.

As a health consultant, I fill in the large gaps most women currently experience with their conventional healthcare. I do this by…

    • Taking time to really get to know you and your health.

    • Considering you as a whole person - mind, body, relationships, and lifestyle.

    • Getting to the root causes of what you’re experiencing and your health needs.

    • Offering a menu of evidence-based lifestyle, natural, and conventional tools and approaches for you to choose from.

    • Helping you fine-tune what you need to feel well and be well. So self-care isn’t overwhelming or a full-time job!

    • Answering all questions and talking through your options so you can make the best choices for you.

Modern women balance a million things in their lives and care generously for the people around them. But they rarely get the support and care that they need. The systems in our culture are not set up to support women. In fact, they rely on the generosity and strength of women to fill in the gaps — the gaps in childcare, the gaps in a social safety net, the gaps in equal pay, and the gaps in healthcare. And then, when women do reach out to get support from the healthcare system they are frequently hurried along, dismissed, or given a bandaid that doesn’t even begin to address their real needs. 

That stops here.

I want you to FEEL Heard, Hopeful and EmpowereD As YOU Make BIG strides IN Your health.

Read More About Amber ➞


Rediscover the vibrant health that is your birthright.

Amber is the perfect combination of warmth and wisdom. She’s deeply caring, encouraging, and accepting, and makes you feel right at home. But she’s also one of the most skilled healers I know. She has a comprehensive and strategic understanding of the body and how to bring it into better balance and optimal well-being.
— Cara Maiolo - Licensed Professional Counselor, Aspen, CO

Health is a journey.

I’ll help you create your own personalized roadmap to glowing health & gain any tools you need to achieve your health goals.

All while helping you develop a relationship with your body that supports healing. This whole-person, root-cause approach addresses the needs of your whole self—not just isolated parts & pieces.

Making it possible to overcome health challenges that have seemed insurmountable in the past.

Program Options


Confluence Core Program

Think of this program as a semester at school for your health. You’ll learn how to create an environment where your unique body can thrive. And really get to the bottom of anything that’s been holding you back in your health. All at a steady, consistent pace to keep the progress and a-ha’s coming.

You’ll get comprehensive review of your health, a detailed Personalized Health Plan, advanced testing recommendations and review, unlimited email and messaging support, and monthly support sessions to really get to the bottom of anything that’s been holding you back in your health.

Learn about your unique body, explore what makes you feel truly well, and take back the vibrant health that is your birthright.

Learn More ➞



Premium Fastrack Program

When you’ve got big goals, or need an overhaul on your health, this is the program I recommend. With biweekly sessions, you can make HUGE progress and real, lasting change.

You’ll get priority turnaround times, a comprehensive intake and review of your health, advanced medical testing recommendations and review, unlimited email and messaging support, a detailed Personalized Health Plan and biweekly support sessions to dig deep into what’s needed for you to thrive — now and over the long haul.

This is an investment in lifelong vitality and well-being.

Learn More ➞

How It works

  • Book A Free Discovery Call

  • Complete the Comprehensive Intake Forms

  • Schedule Your First Session

Ready to feel like the vibrant, bright-eyed woman that you are again?

Amber is a healer in every sense of the word. She helped me through one of the most complicated health and healing situations of my adult life with encouragement, empowered action, and deep medical understanding.
— Catherine Yrisarri - Storyteller, Creative Director & Producer, Boulder, CO